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Familie coaching

2 hr
Praktijk Woke by Linda

Service Description

Tensions exist in every family. Where several people come together, avoiding conflict situations is almost impossible, but fortunately, they usually manage to resolve themselves independently through proper communication. Sometimes tensions are so intense that they just don't seem to be resolved. This in turn can lead to psychological and/or physical complaints from family members. A family coach, as a family confidant for each member of the family, looks at the underlying feelings and thoughts and together looks for possibilities and solutions. What does a family coaching program look like? Family members do the work themselves in a family coaching journey. I coach only by asking questions, giving advice and "mirroring" behaviors. As a family coach, I make sure that a conversation occurs and everyone can share their feelings and thoughts. Sort of like a mediator.

Cancellation Policy

Bij annulering van een sessie minder dan 48 uur voorafgaand aan de geplande sessie is de klant verplicht het volledige bedrag van de behandelingskost te betalen. De gereserveerde sessie kan in geen enkel geval omgeboekt worden naar een latere datum. Bij ziekte zal hierop een uitzondering gemaakt worden, mits er een doktersattest doorgestuurd wordt via mail.

Contact Details

  • Nachtegaalstraat 8w, Zele, België


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